2019 LHSA Spring Shoot Speakers

This year's Spring Shoot in Asheville, North Carolina features speakers Jon Kral, and LHSA's own David Knoble and David Spielman.


Jon Kral spent decades shooting for three different daily Florida newspapers. To have worked as a daily photojournalist during those decades of unprecedented growth, social and political upheaval and natural disasters, was the best street education a photographer could receive. During his 18 years with the Miami Herald, Kral earned a reputation as an outstanding news photographer who could be sent to any assignment, news or feature, and return with an excellent image on time. Many of his images from Hurricane Andrew were included in the newspaper’s entry that earned the 1993 Pulitzer Gold Medal for public service. His work showing the harsh reality of Venezuelan prisons garnered numerous awards, including a finalist for the Pulitzer in news photography in 1995. A project on Miami’s teen gangs won a Robert F. Kennedy prize for photojournalism. He also covered the volatility in Middle East for the Miami Herald, making several trips to the region in the 1980s and 1990s.

In the last several years, Kral has focused on book projects. His first, published in 1999, is a collection of photographs of the Florida cowboys. His other books are fresh looks at Florida’s thoroughbred horse racing, Mississippi steamboats and motorcycle road racing. Kral now lives in the mountains of North Carolina. Kral continues to capture the moment in Street Documentary and Equine photography creating stunning images that touch the soul.


David Knoble

David taught black and white film photography in the late 1980’s at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, while a student there. While David owns a CPA firm in Rock Hill, South Carolina, his passion lies with photography. During 2016 he started a non-profit organization called Mission Photography which provides education of social and welfare projects worldwide through documentary style photography. His first work, A Fly in the Donkey’s Eye, documents a school and church in Bayonnais, Haiti. David has been using Leica film and digital cameras since the early 2000’s and still develops and scans black and white film today.


David Spielman is a photographer who has modest but eccentric tastes. Resides in New Orleans. Hates being late. Where a day doesn’t pass without major conversations about food, art or music. Always ready for a challenge, adventure or a new project. Looking through a camera at fifteen, an epiphany, in that instant, life gained meaning and direction. Enjoys the collaborative efforts with other creative types. Khakis, jeans, starched button down oxford shirts are his daily uniform. Matched socks, never. Starts each day with a run. Studied in Vienna. A mentor opened new horizons, awakened dreams. Degas said it best “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” Less is more. Film please. Range-finders preferred. Avoids the limelight. Regimented in this helter-skelter world. Routines rule. Sees, feels and thinks differently than most. Hemingway, Conroy, Davis and Armstrong do it with music and words. He hopes and tries to achieve the same level with his images. Loves the darkroom and the magic it yields. Always looking, looking for answers, looking for questions, looking. Loves life with its wrinkles. Married to a wonderful and beautiful woman. A son adopted from Russia. Who challenges him to rethink life everyday. Skeptical with a perverse sense of humor. Good is never good enough. Hoping to take pictures until the day before he dies. Quietly sensible, yet driven. A straight shooter. No gimmicks or tricks. It is about what is, not what someone else wants. Someone once said, “A dream without a plan is nothing more than a wish.” Anyone can do it but only a few do it well. Works diligently without compromise.


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