Using Classic Rangefinder Lenses on Modern Digital Cameras with Ashwin Rao
Wednesday Dec 9th, 1:30 Central Time (US & Canada)/ 8:30 PM Central European ST
Ashwin Rao will share with us his fascinating experiences with classic older lenses on digital Leica cameras, opening a world of imaging possibilities from the last century of lens design.
Ashwin Rao is a Seattle Based photographer and Leicaphile. He runs the Seattle Leica User Group, which represents the largest autonomous regularly-gathering group of Leica users in the world. He enjoys shooting with M cameras and currently owns a Leica M7, M10-D, and M9 Monochrom. He frequently writes
about topics concerning Leica cameras and lenses, including several articles for Viewfinder, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and passion with other members of the Leica community.