LSI WhatsApp Standards

WhatsApp is a social media conversation app for mobile phones and tablets. LSI started using this application to allow members to have conversations during conferences and has added groups of various photgraphic interest.. Today, members in over 70 different countries use WhatsApp to communicate with one another and the group continues to expand daily.

Given the 24-hour availability and time differences around the globe, the content on the LSI WhatsApp groups are not moderated in real time. Posting standards and rules have been established by LSI so that all members may participate in the conversations. Accordingly, the following requirements are now in force and may be updated from time to time. Failure to adhere to these standards by you may result in your removal from the LSI WhatsApp groups in the sole discretion of the moderators and at any time.

Let’s enjoy the conversation together!

Posting Standards

The term “Post” or “Posts” includes any text, images, emoji’s, hyperlinks or any other item that can be included in a WhatsApp group chat.

1. Posts should be done in a friendly and helpful manner. Bullying or attacking will not be tolerated of other posters, other LSI members, third parties or the LSI organisation and its sponsors and associates, including Leica AG, particularly in a personal or ‘ad hominem’ manner.

2. Posts can be related to LSI, Leica, photography and any other topic of general interest, provided the posted material does not breach any applicable law or generally accepted standards of decency, taste and morals.

3. Posts containing material that might in any way be described as pushing a political candidate, political policy or otherwise hostile in nature are not permitted.

4. Posters are responsible for what they post. LSI shall not be liable for any matter in any post whatsoever.

5. Posters are responsible to ensure that nothing is posted in breach of copyright in any jurisdiction. LSI shall not be liable for any matter in any post whatsoever.

6. Activities, claims made, taxes and duties owed on the Buy/Sell Group are solely between the parties involved, who take full individual responsibility. LSI bears no responsibility nor any express or implied warranty for use of the Buy/Sell Group. Further, LSI does not endorse anyone in the Buy/Sell Group and this group is created for the convenience of the members, not as a program of LSI.

7. Members should engage in conversation and sharing, but be mindful to avoid dominating conversations or image posting to allow others to share. Limitations will be created and enforced if indivdiual members post continuously without allowing others to contribute.

8. LSI, its representatives, and the moderators may remove any post at any time without notice that they believe, in their sole discretion, violates any of these standards or any other decent and moral standard or inappropriateness, without any liability to LSI whatsoever.