Leica Photo Adventure: New Hampshire Fall Foliage | Oct 12-16


Join Leica Store Miami and Leica Camera for a photographic adventure through the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Over the course of this four day trip, you will have the opportunity to photograph winding creeks, pristine lakes, cascading waterfalls, stunning landscapes and more amidst the beauty of New England Fall Foliage colors. This trip will be a great opportunity to get gallery quality images with the amazing Leica S, SL and M Systems, while we take you from one incredible shooting location to the next.

Leica Experts David Farkas and Peter Dooling from Leica Store Miami, along with S-System Specialist John Kreidler from Leica Camera will be on hand to give assistance and advice, as well as provide loaner Leica cameras and lenses. We’ll share our favorite tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this exceptional gear.While other cameras are certainly allowed on this trip, the focus is on Leica camera systems and learning how to use them to their full potential. Current owners as well as those wanting to try Leica gear out for a week of real shooting are encouraged to attend.

Why this trip is different

This is not a workshop where you spend most of your daylight shooting hours sitting in a classroom. Why travel to some of the most beautiful and picturesque locations just to be stuck indoors? Instead, we will focus on making the most of each and every day to capture as many great photo opportunities as we can.To balance out all this shooting and help you get the most out of your images, we will spend one afternoon showing you the secrets of processing Leica DNG files in Adobe Lightroom. Each participant will also receive one-on-one Lightroom instruction with his or her own images to see how much of a difference good post-processing technique can make in your photography.

What to Expect

This is primarily a photography trip. We will be shooting some days from before sunrise until after sunset. We will be covering a fair amount of ground each day by minivan, with many stops along the way to get out, explore and shoot. At each destination, there will be plenty of time to set up your tripod, compose your shots and get in some quality photography. The goal isn’t to rush off to the next stop, but rather take full advantage of each photo opportunity as it presents itself. In this regard, the schedule will be somewhat flexible.All of the photo locations that we have scouted will require no more than 1/3 of a mile of easy hiking to get to. Most are right off the side of the road. The idea is that we’d rather spend more time shooting and less time getting to where we want to go.

  • If you want to extend your adventure, join us on our exciting excursion to the Maine Coast, which begins on October 16th.


 Leica Photo Adventure: Coastal Maine | Oct 16-20


Leica Photo Adventure: Iceland Aug 13-22