On Assignment with Doug Menuez and Leica SL June 22-24


June 22nd-24th 2018 – Join us as we go “On Assignment” with renowned documentary photographer Doug Menuez and his Leica SL in New York.

This intensive weekend will combine lectures, portfolio reviews, shooting on location and deep discussion about expressing and monetizing your passion for photography through visual storytelling.

Doug will take participants on assignment in New York to shoot with him as he shares his unique approach to documenting the human experience developed over his 30+ year career. He’ll explain his strategy for delivering memorable images to a range of clients, from editorial to commercial advertising, based on capturing authentic moments of everyday life in all conditions.

Through the process of portfolio review and post-shoot critique, this workshop is designed as a journey of self-exploration. Participants will gain practical and technical strategies for shooting as well as a better understanding of what is driving their photography on a deeper level.

Topics covered include:

  • Assignment planning

  • Editing the strongest portfolio

  • How to get paid to shoot what you love

  • Mistakes to Avoid

  • The Three Epiphanies

This jam packed, weekend of learning provides a lesson in the core survival skills that every photographer must possess. Whether you are a professional photographer or serious enthusiast, this program is perfect for anyone committed to building a creatively satisfying life.


This workshop will be useful to experienced or up-and-coming photographers alike. Participants are expected to have good understanding of the general operation of their cameras, as this is not a basic technical program.

Laptops will be needed on the final day of the workshop. Students should be be conversant with their hardware and software to facilitate downloading and review of photos.

Using a Leica camera is not required. You should have basic understanding of camera controls and digital workflow.

Acceptance into the workshop is open to all, but students are asked to bring 20 of your best photographs in a finished portfolio or in a digital format.

Enrollment for this Master Class is limited to 12 participants.

A catered lunch is provided on the final day. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.

Click here for more information.


Milan, Italy - Leica Destination - Oct. 17-25


Kodachrome - a Netflix film