Viewfinder wins Excellence Award


We are so pleased to announce that Viewfinder has won two awards at the recent Excel Awards Virtual Ceremony in June 2021. Viewfinder took the GOLD Award for “Magazines: Design Excellence (circulation 10,000 or fewer) and the BRONZE Award for Feature Article Design: In Patagonia (circulation 10,000 or fewer). In 2020, Viewfinder took the Silver Award in Design Excellence.

The EXCEL Awards are the largest and most prestigious program recognizing excellence and leadership in association media, publishing, marketing, and communication.  240 awards across 82 categories were presented at the ceremony. “This year’s EXCEL Award winners deserve special praise for producing outstanding work in the midst of a global pandemic resulting in quarantine and remote work,” said SIIA President and CEO Jeff Joseph. “Our honorees overcame these challenges, truly representing the ‘best of the best’. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!”

The Society wishes to thank Bill Rosauer, Viewfinder editor, Kirsten Vignes, Viewfinder Graphic Designer, authors, photographers and readership who all contribute to the success we now enjoy.

To receive the Viewfinder join LHSA today!

Richard Rejino

Richard is the Executive Director of LHSA - The International Leica Society and a part-time professional photographer. He is also a classically trained pianist, writer and published author. His book, "What Music Means to Me" is available from Hal Leonard Corporation.


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