The Leica Lover’s Library

A sampling of great Leica books—if you can afford them

It’s safe to say that more ink has been expended writing about Leicas than any other camera brand on earth, and a surprising percentage of it is well researched and quite entertaining to read (especially if you enjoy immersing yourself in Wetzlarian minutiae).

Perhaps the best produced, most comprehensive, and exhaustively researched Leica books ever produced is the 3-volume set Leica, An Illustrated History by James L. Lager. An acclaimed Leica historian who once worked for Leitz, Rockleigh and spent the better part of his adult life studying, examining, and evaluating Leica cameras, lenses, and accessories, these magnificently printed books detail virtually every Leica product produced up to the time of their publication in 1993, 1994, and 1998.

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Volume 1 covers cameras, Volume II covers lenses, and Volume III covers accessories. Each volume has a plethora of amazing, mostly life-size photographs so crisp and detailed that you can practically feel the knurling on the knobs, rings, and dials. The M3 section in the 318-page Volume I includes no less than 73 photos of this iconic model. And the illustrations cover everything from Barnack’s Ur-Leica prototype of 1913, to wartime military models, to experimental designs, the entire M series, and the full range of Leicaflexes and Leica R-series SLRs. Volume II offers similarly comprehensive coverage of Leica lenses and is equally stunning, and Volume III is devoted to Leitz/Leica accessories—everything from motor drives to display stands and a welter of unlikely and ingenious special-purpose devices. These amazing 9-1/2 x 11-inch hardcover volumes were made to last, but they were literally limited editions that can now be hard to find and are priced accordingly, especially Volume I and Volume II. However, for any Leica enthusiast who wants to acquire Leica books that are up to the Leica standard, they’re well worth it—and a lot cheaper than acquiring the exotic Leica equipment superbly printed on these heavyweight coated stock pages.

Approximate selling prices for volumes in near mint condition: Volume I or Volume II: $350.00, Volume III, like new: $90.00.

Leica Illustrated Guides and Leica Literature by James L. Lager

These 4 paper bound volumes offer a more economical way to acquire an accurate written and visual overview of Leica cameras and Leica History, though they’re not in the same league as the Leica An Illustrated History series, especially with regard to picture quality. They were published up to 1980 by Morgan & Morgan and the writing is both entertaining and authoritative.

Leica Illustrated Guide No. I is a compact guide to all the commercially available Leica and Leicaflex models manufactured between 1925 and 1975, Leica’s 50th Anniversary year. Each model is pictures life-size with complete specifications, and there are charts detailing series and model types, serial number ranges, and characteristics of all models. 64 pages 8-1/2 x 11 inches.

Leica Illustrated Guide No. II catalogues the complete line of Leica and Leicaflex accessories produced between 1925 and 1975—vintage years for the Leica system. Lager provides technical specifications and descriptions of Leica viewfinders, rangefinders, lenses, exposure meters, filters, flash units, and other accessories, and the book includes over 800 photos of the accessories described. 200 pages 8-1/2 x 11 inches.

Leica Illustrated Guide No. III. A superb book for collectors, it commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Oskar Barnack—inventor of the Leica—and documents two gold-plated Leicas created to mark the occasion. Many other rare and fascinating Leica items are also discussed and illustrated, including an array of Leica lenses. The 300 illustrations show M lenses, R lenses, CL lenses, prototype lenses, and ELCAN lenses. 96 pages 8-1/2 x 11 inches.

Leica Literature: A comprehensive collection of Leica literature including reproductions if original pamphlets, leaflets and brochure issue by Ernst Leitz Wetzlar and related worldwide agencies between 1930 and 1960. This vast array of literature is presented in 3 major sections, cameras, lenses, and accessories, and an index of principal codewords is included for quick reference. 512 pages 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 inches.

Copies of the Leica Illustrated Guide Nos. I, II and III are widely available in good to excellent condition at prices ranging from $10.00 to $25.00. Leica Literature is harder to find and generally sells for about $35.00 to $55.00 in clean condition.

50 Years Leica M by Gunter Osterloh. English & German text in one book. Heel Verlag GMBH, 2004, Germany. 9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches, 295 pages, 300 color and B&W illustrations. High quality printing.

There is no other product in the world that is as technically exacting as the Leica M Camera, whose design, manufacture and styling remained nearly unchanged during the past 50 years covered here. This book vividly describes, in words and with numerous illustrations, how this legendary camera came to be and how it was possible to continually optimize its functions and to complement them with new technologies that were both innovative and sensible. There is comprehensive information on the development of the Leica M system, with homage to the individual designers, and it is profusely illustrated with very high-quality photos, It also includes detailed coverage of Barnack’s Ur-Leica prototype and photos taken with it. An E. Leitz Wetzlar staff member traces the Leica legend with a personal touch few others can match, including a faithful picture of Leitz and Leica and the iconic public image they created.

Used price range in excellent condition: $60.00 to $150.00.

Leica Collector’s Guide 2nd Edition, by Dennis Laney, published by Hove Collectors Books, 2005 Hardcover, 10.2 x 7.7 inches, 658 pages. The last work by acclaimed Leica authority Dennis Laney who passed away in 2010, this 5.4-pound tome represents the apotheosis of his work and is one of the best Leica collecting books ever written. Thoroughly revised, updated, and completely reset with 60% more pages than the previous edition, the layout has also been redesigned and is much easier to use as a reference work. All the numerous new Leica products introduced after the previous edition of 1992 are included, and new chapters on Leica Digital Cameras and Leicina Cine Cameras, plus a new section on leather cases have been added. Additional information, corrections, and comments from knowledgeable readers all over the world have been incorporated. Aside from its exhaustive content, this book also boasts a few more features such as a dust jacket and superb illustrations that make it a great addition to any book collection. Whether you're a vintage camera collector or a photography enthusiast, this book is an excellent choice. For Leica collectors, it’s the ultimate reference.

Sadly, this excellent volume is out of print and in short supply, resulting in outrageously high asking prices, ranging from about $350.00 to a staggering $2,600.00 for a “nearly pristine” example currently listed on eBay. One option is to “settle” for the older, less comprehensive and less convenient Leica Collector’s Guide by Dennis Laney 1st Edition of 1992 (344 pages), which is readily available in excellent condition for a mere $50.00 to $90.00.

Leica—A History Illustrating Every Model and Accessory, by Paul Henry van Hasbroeck, a noted Leica authority and collector living in London. Published in 1983 by Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications.

Full cloth bound volume under color illustrated jacket, 328 pages 9 x 12-1/2 inches and including 1000-2000 illustrations. Though this volume is now more than 4 decades old, it is essential reading for the dedicated Leica collector. It’s readily available online at prices ranging from $85.00 to $250.00 depending on condition.

Note: Van Hasbroeck previously published “Leica. Rare and Unusual Screw Mount Cameras and Accessories” (1979, 96 pages) and a companion Volume “Leica. Rare and Unusual M Mount Cameras and Accessories” (1978, 58 pages). Both are well worthy of consideration by Leica enthusiasts.

Leica Chronicle—Evolution of Leica Cameras and Lenses and the Origin of the Leica Legend, by Erwin Puts, 2012, publisher: imx, hardcover, 298 pages, 7 x 10 inches. Timed to coincide with Photokina 2012 and detailing many then-new products including S-series lenses such as the stellar 70mm f/2.5 Summarit-S, this book offers many extras—a discussion of the most beautiful Leicas, photos of vintage brochures, tables of special edition models, extensive information on serial number ranges, etc. It also includes a wealth of personal commentary and product evaluations written in the author’s inimitable style. Copiously illustrated with high-quality photographs, this book by one of the leading authorities on all things Leica belongs on the short list of any serious Leica fanatic.

Regrettably this excellent volume is in high demand and not easy to find, resulting in very high prices in the $150.00 to $200.00 range. Other excellent, high quality (and expensive) hardcover books by Erwin Puts include Leica Practicum, Edition 4, 2014, and Leica Lens Compendium, 1st edition, 2001, and Leica Compendium, Third Edition of 2011, the last currently listed on eBay at $1,732.48 or best offer!

Leica—The First 70 Years, by Gianni Rogliatti, Hove Collectors Books, 1995. Hardcover, 240 pages, 8 x 10 inches. Note: the 1st edition dates from 1975. This updated version of Rogliatti’s classic covers the full history of Leica, the story of the Leica from its inception to the present day, told through detailed accounts of all models produced in each era, and arranged to show the genesis of one model from another.  There are comprehensive chapters on military, limited edition, special purpose, factory dummy and experimental cameras, as well as chapters on lenses and accessories and technical background. One if the very first books specifically aimed at Leica collectors and still one of the best, it includes comprehensive information on serial numbers and code words plus detailed information on many unique models and facets of Leica history.

Best news: This admirable book is readily available used in fine condition at prices ranging from $15.00 (!) to just under $100.00.

Leica Pocket Book 9th Edition 2023, The most up to date Leica reference work, published by London Leica dealer Ivor Cooper of Red Dot Cameras. Dr Frank Dabba Smith of London, a recognized Leica expert, is the main editor, an indication of the expertise in the production of this book. This handsome red 427-page, 4-1/2 x 8-inch volume is easy to carry, packed with illustrations and diagrams, and describes almost all Leica products produced over more than a century, spanning the period from the Ur Leica to the M11 and the M6 rebirth. It also features all R cameras, the early analogue SL models and their modern digital namesakes, Leica products from the defunct APS-C system and the medium format S system. It includes camera serial numbers, relatively brief coverage of lenses, and nothing on accessories, but adding that and other information would probably have made it a 700-page book. It is inevitable that there will be an updated 10th edition and anon, because the format and concept are timeless, but as it is this is a must-have reference work for all Leica lovers, and the fact that it’s available, affordable and fits in your camera bag are big plusses.

The Leica Pocket Book 9th Edition 2023 is widely available brand new, online and from Leica stores at prices ranging from about $80.00 to $100.00—not exactly cheap, but well worth it.


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