Buying Used Leicas on eBay
10 Things You Should Know Before You Press The ‘Buy It Now’ Tab.
eBay logo on eBay Corporate Headquarters. Photo courtesy of Getty Images.
By far the best way to evaluate a used Leica prior to purchase is to hold it in your hands, examine it thoroughly inside and out, and carefully check the lens, range/viewfinder, shutter speeds, and any other relevant functions. Even if the camera passes scrutiny, the ultimate test is taking pictures to assess its real-world performance—easy to accomplish in a quick walkaround with a digital camera, but not with, say, a 35mm Leica M4. That’s why the golden rule of buying any used Leica (or other brand) is to insist that it come with a no questions asked money back guarantee of at least 30 days from the time of purchase. That way you’ll be covered if hidden defects emerge.
I’ve been an eBayer since 1998 and I’ll admit that buying Leica cameras, lenses, and accessories (and other brands) on eBay can be addictive—and you can occasionally snag a great deal. Indeed, many leading retail establishments including Adorama, B&H, KEH, Roberts Camera, National Camera Exchange, etc., etc. sell photographic equipment on eBay. And if you’re not the bidding type, many eBay listings offer ‘Buy It Now’ and/or ‘Make Offer’ options. One of the prime advantages of perusing eBay listings is the sheer volume of Leica stuff you can find on any given day, which far exceeds what any one store can offer. Finally, no matter where you intend to buy your next used Leica, going over the eBay listings is an excellent way to determine the going price range for the specific Leica model of your dreams, and how the price varies depending on its condition.
There are elaborate safeguards on eBay to prevent you from non-delivery or receiving items not as described, and bad actors receiving lots of negative feedback can be banished from the site. Nevertheless, buying cameras on eBay is still inherently riskier than an in-person transaction at a brick-and-mortar store. Our purpose is not to advocate for or against eBay, but to help you minimize your risk and maximize your satisfaction in buying Leicas and related gear on the world’s leading online auction site.
10 Rules of the Road for Buying Leicas on Ebay
Carefully examine all the posted pictures. The product images posted on eBay are the only way you have of visually assessing the physical and cosmetic condition of the camera or other items listed, and to do this effectively the images must be reasonably sharp and detailed. Inspect each image meticulously at high magnification on a computer screen to see if there are any scratches, nicks, dents, covering abrasions, or other problems, all of which lower the item’s value. If the images were shot from too far away, are blurry, or there are too few of them to show the back, bottom, top, and sides of camera, don’t bid unless you’re willing to risk the purchase price. You can also contact the seller asking for more or better images and a more precise verbal description, and then making your final judgment when you receive them.
Check the seller’s record. Not all eBay sellers are created equal and it’s a good idea to check their eBay record before you bid. Just click on the seller’s eBay name under Seller Information on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. eBay sellers with ratings in the 99-100% positive range that have made hundreds or thousands of sales are almost always trustworthy, as are sellers with gold star or Top Seller ratings. Any rating under about 95% should be a red flag. By clicking on the positive, negative, and neutral tabs on the eBay seller record screen you can access individual buyer comments on the seller and the seller’s response. Most sellers on eBay are honest, friendly, and will go out of their way to maintain their favorable ratings. Issues with sellers can usually be resolved by contacting them directly or through eBay’s dispute resolution system. Can you get screwed? Yes, but it’s a rare occurrence, and eBay will often step in to make you whole, but it can take a while.
Read the entire listing diligently. The Item Description and Product Details sections should have a detailed description of the camera, including model name or number, lens, features, general condition, and info on any operational or cosmetic defects and other issues. Many do not, and this may be a simple case of the seller not being camera savvy. However, never assume a camera is in good working condition unless the listing clearly states that it’s fully functional. “As Is” means exactly what it says, and the seller doesn’t have to refund your money unless the item has been inaccurately described. Beware of hedged statements like “looks good and seems to work” unless the listing clearly states seller is willing to accept returns unconditionally. If a camera is listed as “in perfect working condition” and it isn’t when you receive it, you may be able to return it by contacting the seller, or as a last resort, opening an eBay case on grounds that the item is “not as described,” even though the listing states Returns Not Accepted. However, you’re always better off dealing with a seller that does accept returns or offers, say, a 14-day money-back guarantee. Remember also that the cost of shipping back an item is generally the buyer’s responsibility though some upstanding eBay sellers will include shipping costs in any refund posted to your account. eBay listings are contracts so it’s essential to read the fine print twice before you bid or buy.
Cruise the eBay listings to get the best deal. The easiest way to find the exact Leica you’re looking for is to type the name and model into the search box at the top of the eBay screen. This will usually bring up a range of Leicas matching or close to your criteria. Check out each one carefully, based on the advice given above, and narrow it down to a few choices. If the camera is an eBay auction listing or a Buy It Now listing at a fixed price, you can go to the upper right-hand corner of the screen and save it in your watch list by clicking on Add to watch list. The exception: If the item is listed with a Best Offer option, it’s best not to add it to your watch list if you intend to make an offer. The more watchers the seller sees, the less likely he/she will be to accept your offer at the lowest possible price. If you do decide to make an offer on a Leica, you can start by offering about 75% of the seller’s Buy It Now price, or more if you think your offer a good deal that you can live with. The seller has the option of accepting, declining, or making a counteroffer that you can accept or decline. However, you get only 5 tries, and then you can only buy the item at the Buy It Now price. Note: eBay asking prices for Leicas can be high. If you want data on actual sales do a search on “completed sales” to get a more accurate picture of that model’s market value.
Finding great buys on eBay. If you peruse the eBay listings for highly desirable items like Leica cameras, Leica screw-mount or M-mount lenses, or non-Leica screw-mount rangefinder cameras of the ‘50s and ‘60s, it’s easy to conclude that there are no great buys on eBay anymore. While it’s true that the phenomenal deals of the glory days of eBay back in the ‘90s are few and far between, they’re still out there if you search persistently and act quickly. It’s a good idea to save your searches for Leica items that interest you because you’ll be notified when newly posted items matching your search criteria are listed. Also, you can search for similar items that command lower prices—for example, a near mint Leica IIIf red dial body for 275 bucks instead of the IIIg I really wanted, which would have cost me $750. Another good strategy is to scan all the listings to establish a price range for the Leica you want, and then bid or buy when a clean working example at a lower price appears. Good news for digital Leica shooters: Except for digital Leica M’s and Q’s, which hold their value remarkably well, some top performing digital Leica compacts that have been discontinued (e.g. various D-Luxes) are readily available on eBay at enticing prices. eBay prices for analog Leicas have steadily increased over the past few years. Not surprising.
Send the right messages to the seller. Sending messages to the seller can be very useful. You can, as mentioned, ask questions about the camera’s condition or what’s included, request more information or photos, ask for a lower shipping cost if the amount seems too high, etc. If the seller responds quickly and in a friendly manner, it’s a good sign that you’re dealing with a reliable, upstanding person. As I suggested, many eBayers are casual or occasional sellers that may not know much about what they’re selling. That’s why it’s a good idea to click on the “Message to seller, optional” tab when paying and, give them some guidance on proper camera packing to minimize the possibility of damage in transit
Here’s a short version of a good standard packing message:
“Hi John (or eBay name), Please pack this camera very well by wrapping it securely in 2 layers of bubble wrap and immobilizing it in a hard box with packing material on all sides. Please also ship it as soon as you can and provide a tracking number. Thanks for your kind attention, and best regards, Name”
Surviving the eBay bidding wars: Much ink has been spilled on the intricacies of bidding effectively and winning auctions on eBay, and I’m sure there are more sophisticated strategies than the following, that are posted on the Internet, but here goes:
The first thing to decide is whether you want to bid at all. Ask yourself such logical questions as, “Do I need this Leica or is it just am impulse purchase? How does it fit into or complement my existing Leucas system? How am I going to use it? Can I afford it right now? etc.” Do this before you become enmeshed ub the seductive and emotional process of bidding.
When you see a camera I want, save it in your Watched items list and wait patiently until shortly before the auction ends. With Buy It Now and Make Offer items this runs the risk that someone will snap it up before you bid. If you decide that’s not a risk worth taking, make a reasonable offer. A fairly large percentage of eBay actions are decided in the last few seconds before time runs out, so consider becoming a “sniper,” a polite term for folks that make higher bids at the last second. Put in your bid in at the last moment even if there are zero bidders, because it gives you the best chance of snagging the item at the lowest possible price even if another bidder is using the same strategy. In general, bidders are more apt to bid if someone else has placed a bid before them, another advantage to bidding as late as possible. The downside: You have only one chance to snipe, and if someone else outbids you at the last second, they win.
Check out your new used Leica thoroughly as soon as you receive it. Make sure the shutter is firing at all speeds and that the self-timer works, that the focusing (manual and AF), lens diaphragm and exposure systems are functioning properly, that the battery compartment (if any) is free of corrosion, and that the camera’s appearance corresponds with the images posted in the eBay listing. If the serial number is visible in the photos check it as well. If it’s a digital camera, charge the battery, take a few pictures and assess the results on your computer.
You may be willing to accept some minor imperfections you didn’t notice, but if the camera fails to meet your expectations or has a problem not noted or pictured in the listing, contact the seller immediately and try to resolve the issues directly without involving eBay. When sending a message to the seller check the circle marked “Need information about using item or want to send a message to the seller.” If you check “Item not as described” this can be tantamount to initiating an eBay dispute, which has possible negative consequences for the seller and (believe it or not) the buyer, especially if you initiate “too many” damage claims in an (unspecified) period of time. If the defect is repairable, you have the option of checking the cost with a reputable camera repair company and asking the seller for a partial refund to cover it.
Leaving feedback and filing complaints. As soon as you receive a camera that’s been well packed, shipped promptly, and meets all your expectations, immediately click the Leave Feedback tab and leave 5-star positive feedback in all categories, plus a short affirmative message such as: “Accurate description, sent fast, well packed. An A++++seller!” Do this even if I think the shipping cost was a bit high or receiving it took a few days longer than I anticipated because it’s a way to support good sellers on eBay and sellers assuredlly appreciate it.
Always try to resolve issues with the seller before leaving negative or neutral feedback because it goes against their record. Also, you don’t want them to leave negative buyer feedback for you (which they can do if you make unfounded complaints, take too long to pay, etc.) If you want to leave fewer than 5 stars in any of the 4 performance categories listed that’s up to you, but it’s not advisable if you’re generally satisfied with the transaction. If you do file a legitimate complaint, as a last resort eBay will stand behind you and even refund your money and bill the seller if the item is covered by the eBay guarantee (most are). Finally, if you’re confused about how to proceed with filing or pursuing a claim, it’s possible (but not always easy) to reach eBay by phone or chat by clicking on Help & Contact tab and following the prompts until the call or chat options come up.
Make friends with a good camera repair person or company. Used Leicas, even if they’re in great shape, may require attention if you intend to use them extensively. That’s why it’s a good idea to establish a warm relationship with a well-established company specializing in camera repair that has knowledgeable, experienced Leica technicians on staff. And once you find a good one that works for you, stick with it, and spread the word.