Featured Photographs
Please enjoy this selection of photographs from past articles, social media and more. We invite you to share your photographs with us through our Instagram and Facebook channels.
Here are some images our members created at our Spring Conference in May, 2023 in Rome:

And from April 2023 in New York City:
More member images from across our channels:
From our 2021 Annual Meeting in Seattle, by Armando Lindner
From William Royce's article Elco Welding
From Jonathan Slack's article The Leica Noctilux f/1.2
From Jonathan Slack's article The APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH
From James Nabwangu's article Benin: The Forgotten Kingdom of Dahomey
From Milan Swolf's article Comparing the Old Leica 50mm F/1.2 Noctilux-M with Its 2021 Reincarnation
From Dick Gilcreast's Tips & Technique article A Method of Using a Polarizer on Summitar & Other Leica SM Lenses
From Charles Garrettson's article An SL Odyssey
From Samuel R.J. Gillilan's article Asana: Into the Himalayas
From Allen Bourgeois' article The Driehaus Collection: Photographing Classic Cars With a Leica M
From Tina Manley's article Transiberian
From Jonathan Slack's article Dreams of Summertime
From Albert Knapp MD & Ruth Oratz MD's article Ireland: Land of Ancient Song
by Amitava Chatterjee
by Amitava Chatterjee
by Alan Weinschel
by William Fagan
by William Fagan
by Gary Hough
by Alan Weinschel
by Bill Royce