BLOG (chronological order)
White Sands Light
White light refracted by the White Sands shatters into the full spectrum of visible color.
Deep Depth of Field in Low Light
If the light is dim, how are we able to get good depth of field if we don't want to use flash? We need to stop down for more depth -- but then the shutter speeds get too slow and we need a tripod. Or do we?
Shades of New York
During 1940-1945 direct delivery of Leitz Wetzlar product to E.Leitz, Inc. New York was terminated. In 1946-1947 Leicas and their accessories began to reach the American market.
‘Stealth’ Leica Factory Upgrades
Never officially listed, they were sometimes available on request. While the factory at E. Leitz Wetzlar can hardly be described as a cottage industry, it retained some aspects of the precision workshop mentality well into the postwar era.
Viewfinder wins Excellence Award
We are so pleased to announce that Viewfinder has won two awards at the recent Excel Awards Virtual Ceremony in June 2021.
Illustrated History of Photography in Ireland since 1839 with William Fagan
You are all invited to this free illustrated talk during National Heritage Week 2021 at the Gallery of Photography Ireland’s online lecture hall.
Call for Entries - LHSA Photography Show
We are very pleased to announce a special event for our meeting attendees this year: The LHSA Photography Show, hosted by the Leica Store Bellevue. And you are invited to submit your images for consideration!
Introducing our 2021 conference speakers: Philip Blair, Cheriss May, Sandra Eisert & Richard Calfan.
2021 LHSA Fall Conference Program
We have an impressive line-up of great sessions. A few highlights include: Leica on Loan, Annual Trade Fair, Great Sessions and speakers (see below), Excursion to Pike Place Market, downtown Seattle (transportation provided), Saturday night banquet.
Elco Welding: An Old Venice, CA Icon
Elco Welding, housed in an old building at 1711 Abbot Kinney Boulevard, in Venice, California, is unique among the many nearby businesses and pricey shops in a very trendy area.